The SWAN Project is a unique charity in Bristol. We offer long-term, low-cost counselling to those suffering with addiction (primarily alcohol), however we do not turn anyone away who we think we can help. We understand that addiction is not a stand-alone issue, but is a means of trying to cope with more difficult underlying issues such as bereavement, depression, anger, abuse, stress, anxiety, eating disorders and mental health.
The SWAN Project is aimed at empowering the personal recovery and growth of any person who is committed to either reducing their drinking or abstinence, in a way which helps the individual connect to their environment.
How the SWAN Project makes a difference
We are a charity dedicated to ensuring that counselling is available to those who most need it. Clients pay what they can afford, which means that we are able to help those who are often the most vulnerable in society, without the need for extensive waiting lists through statutory services. As it is long-term therapy, clients can continue to recieve the help for as long as necessary – sometimes up to and beyond two years. We receive no external funding, meaning that the therapists can work creatively with the clients, and the therapy is client-led without having to be focused on meeting targets and outcomes.